What you see in this lovely shot are the things that I have to deal with right now that have taken my time away from thinking about intelligent thoughts to post here. I could fill it with mindless drivel, but that does nothing to further my cause, and is more than likely to push people in the wrong direction (assuming one or two folks find their way over here).
However, in regards to the stack of texts you see here... There's a lot of good things in that stack, and I've only gone through about an eighth of what I need to. First off, the textbook on IPC at the top of the stack, is a great overview of IPC theories. The chapters are very easy to read, they convey the general points well enough, and they make things concise. It's a great starting point when writing on theories in IPC. The videogame book that has intrigued me the most is Steven E. Jones' The Meaning of Video Games. It's also the newest book of the stack, I think. However, he starts off discussing LOST and its relevance to video games, and ends on discussing Spore and the future of games, so that should give you an insight as to what it holds. I was looking forward to Ian Bogost's Persuasive Games, but I fear I may not need as much of that text as I thought, so I may have to save reading that one for another time. All of these videogame texts are library books, though I'm hoping to add some of them to my personal collection soon enough.
At the top of the stack is my DS Lite, which was actually put there to hold down the cover of the IPC book since it furls up when untouched. The DS Lite is my only current escapism to gaming, since I rarely leave the desk these days (it seems). I've been playing Final Fantasy IV and I also started a new playthrough of New Super Mario Bros. just because that game is so damn enjoyable. When the DS needs to charge, I find myself heading back to Sanctuary and killing some time in Diablo 2 as I await Diablo 3. However, right now it's time to pick up that DS and crawl in to bed.