It was a mumbled rumor on the internet months ago. Today, I saw rumbling of it on Joystiq, Kotaku and MTV Multiplayer. Then, the icing on the cake came in a Wall Street Journal article. Tomorrow at 10 AM EST, the world will find out, the where, when, why and how. We already know who. The Beatles coming to Rock Band has the potential to be the highest selling track pack/expansion that the game could get.
I'm not going to lie, this is no way an unbiased article. This is where I pull out my fanboy card for both Rock Band and The Beatles. I actually have a band in Rock Band 2 named Beatlemania! with John, Paul, George and Ringo in it. No matter what they release, how they release it, I will slap down my USD or MSP or whatever currency it takes to purchase tracks. I can only imagine rocking out to "Helter Skelter", or wailing through the solo on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", or even singing some of their poppier early work such as "From Me to You".
No matter how you slice it, having the largest rock and roll band in history in Rock Band is a very big deal.
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